Your Life Begins When You Believe Anything Is Possible

  • Dream it

  • Believe It

  • Receive It

work with me

I help women ditch their limiting beliefs while simultaneously creating a life they love through mindset work and manifestation.

A few years ago, I was scrolling on my phone in a hotel room, on my umpteenth business trip of the year, working a soul-sucking 9-5 job, feeling exhausted and unfulfilled. I was successful and good at what I did, but it didn't fill my bucket. I felt in my heart that I was put on this planet for something greater. I was also very committed. I had sixteen years under my belt in my industry. During that time, I had climbed the corporate ladder, earning accolades like 40 Under 40 in Automotive News and President's Awards honors. I had devoted my life to my craft. I was so busy making a living that I lost sight of making a life for myself.

I wish I could go back and counsel my younger self. Now I recognize we learn our intended lessons when we’re ready to receive them. After my marriage ended I sought validation and self-worth from achieving in the workplace. I knew this wasn’t healthy. I've always been spiritual and believed in the power of the universe, manifestation, and my abilities. I decided that I was going to better myself and live my life for me, choosing joy above all else. I created my first vision board after watching an episode of Oprah with my mom, and in the year that followed, nearly everything on that board became a reality.

In 2019, the universe introduced me to a Life Coach who opened my eyes to the power I possessed. We all possess this power. We simply have to tap into it and understand how it works. I began to follow her teachings intently and started to do the shadow work to heal from the traumas of my past. I found a therapist I trusted. I journaled for countless hours. I made my gratitude practice consistent and a non-negotiable part of my morning routine. I read books, listened to podcasts, watched YouTube videos, and remained open to what the universe was teaching me.

Then in 2020, amidst the global pandemic, the unthinkable happened. I was laid off from my 9-5. I'm the sole breadwinner in my household. After allowing myself to embrace the emotions I was feeling for 48 hours, I decided to look for the silver lining. That's when I remembered I had journaled about where I saw myself in five years. I read that journal entry back and my 9-5 didn't exist in my five-year plan. Being an entrepreneur, a podcaster, a writer, a wife, and mother did. That's all I needed to process the news, and trust that everything was working out exactly how it was supposed to. And so it was.

I desired a career that I loved, where I could make a difference in women's lives, and feel fulfilled by my contributions. The universe heard my ask and put things in motion. I might never have left that job on my own. It was safe and I was comfortable. I had excellent benefits and a 401k. The universe had to hit me over the head with a 2x4 to show me how to receive my ask. Now I can say with confidence, losing my job was one of the best things to ever happen to me. The growth that followed has been astronomical, and now I live my dream by helping you achieve yours. Are you ready to evoke some positive change and growth in your life?

straight from the catch’s mouth