Meet Erin Ramsey
Don’t be shy, Get to know me!
I'm Erin, the creator of You're Such a Catch. I grew up in NorCal, moved to So Cal for college, and never left. I am a coach, speaker, podcaster, writer, dating guru, master manifester, and hype woman. I consider myself a bit of a tomboy, obsessed with the Chargers, fantasy football, lifting heavy, and high ponies.
I do have a girlie side. My nails and toes are always freshly manicured and typically painted pink or purple. Even if it fades unevenly, and I resemble a cheetah, I love a good spray tan. I am a fan of weaves, hair extensions, and extra volume. I name my weaves. I'm currently rocking Sasha. Fun fact: I snort when I laugh.
I’m A Sucker For A Good Story
Once bothered by the sound of my voice, I now understand it's a tool to help others. I chose to set my ego aside and fully devote my life to helping women feel less alone. That includes sharing fun stories, nuances, and experiences with the world as a complete and utter open book.
I've been on a journey of personal and spiritual growth, striving each and every day to be a better version of the woman I was yesterday. I start each day by listing seven things I'm grateful for, and I do my best to leave a place, situation, or relationship better than how I found it.

seriously, you’re such a catch!
The name, You're Such a Catch, felt like an extension of my being. If I had a nickel for every time someone used to ask me, "Why are you single, Erin? You're such a catch." I'd be a very wealthy woman.
Q: What do BeyoncÉ and i have in common?
A: We both have hot sauce in our bag, swag. But for reals, mine is hot sauce. I like anything spicy and prefer a hefty sauce-to-bite ratio.
Q: If I had the opportunity to be on any Bravo show, which Real Housewives cast would I join, and why?
A: I love Southern Charm and Summer House, but the housewives hold a special place in my heart, especially the RHONY. If I could draft the cast of my season, I’d go old school. My first-round draft pick would be Sonja, then Bethenny, followed by Dorinda, Luann, and then Ramona because we all need a little "turtle time."
Q: How do you know you love yourself?
A: Like anyone, I've endured a lot in my lifetime. I'm a sexual assault survivor. I'm divorced. And most recently, I manifested a man I thought was my endgame. I realized I truly loved the woman whose reflection I saw staring back at me in the mirror when I trusted my intuition and ended that relationship. Something felt off. I let go of romanticizing the potential, being so close to marriage and family, and chose myself. I know my worth, what I want, and I won't settle for less.