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Meet Erin, Your New BFF.
I'm Erin, your new BFF who’s a hopeless romantic with a zest for life. I can find the silver lining in any situation and always view the glass as half full. I try not to take myself too seriously. I work hard to stay present in the moment, enjoy the simple things, and never take anything for granted. My day begins with gratitude, a habit that changed my life. I’m a tomboy who loves football. I have season tickets to my beloved Chargers. I travel to away games. I play Fantasy Football. If I’m not bolted up, I’m watching reality tv or sipping tequila at my favorite dive bar in the South Bay, Shellback. All day, every day, I’m rooting for women as their biggest supporter, and cheerleader.
I'm divorced. There I said it. Once ashamed to say those words out loud, I now understand being divorced doesn't define me. I'm a sexual assault survivor. I use my voice to share my story to help other survivors in their healing journey, or feel less alone. I'm an open book. I decided long ago to talk about my life, experiences, and relationships openly. Now I do it behind a microphone after hitting the record button. I'm a master manifester. I wholeheartedly believe we can create the life we've always dreamt of—I'm currently living mine. I’m a coach. Teaching and guiding others fills my bucket. I'm a daughter, sister, and friend to many.