hi, I’m Erin.
Speaker, Coach, Podcaster, Writer, Alchemist, Hype-woman, Avid Snorter & the Los Angeles Chargers’ No. 1 Fan.
I help women ditch their limiting beliefs while simultaneously creating a life they love through mindset work and manifestation.
Welcome to You're Such a Catch, your community, classroom, lifestyle brand, and weekly reminder that the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. The woman whose reflection you see in the mirror—may you love her, honor her, respect her, and trust her. Once you've mastered that, everything else will fall into place exactly as intended.
I’m a firm believer that there's no such thing as a coincidence. You're here for a reason. That reason may not be apparent just yet, but it will surely be revealed over time. Trust the universe. Stay open to possibilities. The world is your oyster. And never forget, You're Such a Catch.

meet Erin, your new BFF.
I'm divorced. There I said it. Once ashamed to say those words out loud, I now understand being divorced doesn't define me. I'm a sexual assault survivor. I use my voice to share my story to help other survivors in their healing journey, or feel less alone. I'm an open book. I decided long ago to talk about my life, experiences, and relationships openly. Now I do it behind a microphone after hitting the record button. I'm a master manifester. I wholeheartedly believe we can create the life we've always dreamt of—I'm currently living mine. I’m a coach. Teaching and guiding others fills my bucket. I'm a daughter, sister, and friend to many.
I'm Erin, your new BFF who’s a hopeful romantic with a zest for life. I can find the silver lining in any situation and always view the glass as half full. I try not to take myself too seriously. I work hard to stay present in the moment, enjoy the simple things, and never take anything for granted. My day begins with gratitude, a habit that changed my life. I’m a tomboy who loves football. I have season tickets to my beloved Chargers. I travel to away games. I play Fantasy Football. If I’m not bolted up, I’m watching reality tv or sipping tequila at my favorite dive bar in the South Bay, Shellback. All day, every day, I’m rooting for women as their biggest supporter, and cheerleader.

put me In, Coach
girl, Are you ready to uplevel your life?
Ask yourself the following:
Is life happening for me or to me?
Am I living a life I love, or do I feel trapped on a hamster wheel, hopeless in life, love, and career?
Is the biggest obstacle preventing me from living my dreams, me?
As women, we have up to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those 60,000, 80% are negative. This alone can hold you back, not to mention getting hung up on the "shoulds," people-pleasing, and putting everyone else's needs above your own. Awareness is the first step in evoking change, and this has to happen to live a life you've always dreamt of.
Equipped with years of experience,
thousands of hours of research, and practical application, I have successfully overcome trauma, various hardships, and limiting beliefs that once stifled my growth and joy. I’ll teach you how to use mindset work and manifestation to curate the life of your dreams. I used these same techniques to attract relationships, career opportunities, a community of empowered women, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, and a home 1.5 miles from the beach.
Anyone can change their reality. It starts with making a commitment to yourself. The sooner you make the commitment, the sooner you witness the magic. Go ahead, DM me, put me in, coach!

You’re Such a Catch Podcast
crank the volume & Binge listen
never miss an episode
Life can be truly extraordinary when you begin to nurture the most important relationship you have, the one with yourself. Science tells us that the odds of you being born are an astounding 1 in 400,000,000,000,000. Wrap your pretty little head around them apples! You are a masterpiece, an original, one-of-one, and in the words of our host, SUCH A CATCH!
Tune in each week as Erin dives deep into the art of nurturing a loving and empowering relationship with oneself. Through candid reflections and personal stories, she aspires to ignite your belief in your infinite potential and the incredible opportunities available to us all.
Focusing on personal growth, Erin will offer insights into nurturing a mindset that thrives on progress and positivity. You'll discover how to transform challenges into opportunities and setbacks into stepping stones toward the life you've always dreamed of.
So, whether you're pursuing your own version of happily ever after or simply striving to become the best version of yourself, this podcast is tailor-made for you. Join Erin on this empowering journey as you uncover the secret to a fulfilling life—a strong, loving relationship with the incredible human being staring back at you in the mirror.

I am...so happy to find this pod!
The "I am" methodology is so powerful in this podcast. I love how Erin really talks about empowerment through the “I am” with such a feminine power and perspective!