Ani's Story

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Imagine moving over 7,000 miles away from the place you were born at the age of eight to start a "better" life in the United States. You may physically be leaving your people, culture, and what you consider your roots behind, but they're always in your heart; they're a part of you.

This is Ani's story.

Fast forward to 2020; there's a worldwide pandemic among other jaw-dropping events, and on September 27, when you thought things couldn't get any worse, Azerbaijan declares war with your home country of Armenia. You're still over 7,000 miles away. The media isn't covering what's going on, and you fear history repeating itself, a second genocide.

This is Ani's reality.

I wanted Ani to share her story because she's an example of a YSC girl, strong, intelligent, well-spoken, someone who is trying to make a difference and raise awareness for something she is passionate about, humanity. Her story is a solid reminder that there is a world going on greater than the radius we set on our dating apps, greater than the likes we receive on Tik Tok, and far beyond the amount of followers, we have on Instagram. There are people who need our help, in our neighborhoods, in our communities, and over 7,000 miles away in Armenia.

How you can help:

Raise awareness: continue talking about Azerbaijan's unprovoked aggression toward Armenians.

Use your voice: call on your Congress-members to condemn the attacks, stop military aid, and sanction Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Encourage Media Coverage: call on media outlets to accurately cover the attack on Artsakh and Armenia.


Follow Ani's journey: anie_smua

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.

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From Ms. To Mrs.