I Claim Happiness


I want you to think back to the last time you were truly happy, full of joy and optimism, smiling from ear to ear? When was it? Was it last week, last month, five years ago, or would you classify yourself as happy right now, in this moment? Were you on vacation, spending time with people you love? Maybe you were granted a unique opportunity, got a promotion at work, or enjoyed your favorite meal? How many of you don’t need a reason to be happy but choose happiness each and every day?

If we were physically together and I surveyed the room by a show of hands, my hand would be raised as high as I could lift it because what I want to claim as mine is happiness. And for a long time, I didn’t believe happiness was a choice, but more so a destination or result of a circumstance. Well, I’m here to share that it’s neither, it’s a choice, and we can strive for happiness over and over again, every single day.

Listen to the episode. Today we dare to be different. Let’s make a pact with ourselves to choose happiness even if we’re not there yet. Let’s focus on leading with a servant’s heart and expressing gratitude everywhere we go. Let’s move our body, relieving any stagnant energy, which will allow us to enter a flow state where creativity is abundant and feelings of stress, anger and frustration dissipate. Let’s let go of a fictitious balloon with the word “other people’s opinion of us” written in bold letters. Their thoughts of us are like limiting beliefs. They no longer serve us. We are free to be our true authentic selves. Ahhh, doesn’t that feel good? Let’s live for today, firmly closing the chapters from our past and not reading ahead trying to predict the ending. I haven’t read the book on you just yet, but I have no doubt the universe has some epic plot twists coming your way once you believe and raise your vibration, so it’s a match to whatever it is you want to attract in your life. If I can manifest a job, a home, a partner, so can you. But none of that is relevant if we’re not happy, and today we have the choice. I know I’m claiming happiness. Are you?

Takeaways from this episode to stash in your tackle box:

  1. Implement a gratitude practice into your daily routine.

  2. Move your body.

  3. Stop caring what other people think.

  4. Live in the present.

  5. Trust that the universe, God, a higher power is looking out for you.

Thank you so much for listening

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additional resources

Click here to download the worksheet that corresponds with this episode: I Claim Happiness.

Schedule a 15-minute complimentary discovery call regarding 1:1 Coaching with Erin, here.


Life Is Short, Choose To Be Happy


Podcast Magazine ‘Beyond The Microphone’