You’re Such A catch Blog
5 Truths of Reclamation
Kristy Katzmann, a recovering perfectionist, challenged herself to go through her own discovery (aka ‘reclamation’) process in real-time… with her audience… on her podcast... without knowing exactly where it would take her.
No “Ragrets”
I was super intrigued by the conversation because it challenged a belief or stance I'd taken a long time ago to live a life of no regrets. Daniel surveyed nearly 17,000 people in over 100 countries and compiled their responses. Daniel talks about choices that seem irresistible at first but morph into powerful regrets later in life, what he calls foundational regrets.
I Claim Healthy Habits
I know what it's like to crave sugar. I know what it's like to crave salts and want the fries, but I've had to ask myself how I want to feel as I get older? Do I want to feel better in my body, or do I want to feel crappy?
My Guardian Angel, Judy
Here we were amidst a global pandemic, with masks covering our noses and mouths, the CDC advocating for social distancing, and this woman wrapped her arms around me. I had no idea how much I needed a hug. She squeezed me harder, and I sobbed. Then she said, "My name is Judy, what's yours?
I Claim Courage To Do Hard Things
As sad as I am going through the grieving process, losing someone who was my best friend and who I thought was the one for me, I realize how much I’ve grown as a person. I attribute that growth to this show and the focus I’ve placed on looking inward rather than outward.
I Claim Authenticity
At 19, Angie dropped out of college. She was $100,000 in debt. Not knowing exactly what was next for her, she leaned into a blog she started from her dorm room. She was one of the OG's paving a path of earning money online.
Father/Daughter Football Date
It's days like this that etch a memory so deep in my mind and on my heart. This is what living my best feels like. This is what claiming abundance is all about. There's no greater feeling than being able to give this gift to my dad. Moreso, it's a gift to me.
I Claim Healing
Aimee is located in the United Kingdom. I reside in the United States. What a surreal experience having someone tap into your energy when you're not only in a different room but also in a different country. She explains how this works in the episode.
I Claim Forgiveness
After my divorce, I found myself in a peculiar situation. It is part of my story, like being sexually assaulted and getting divorced is part of my story. It’s what makes me the person I am today. I entered a relationship with a married man.
I Claim Self-Love
After investing over 10,000 hours in dating, going on 30 dates in 3 days, recognizing a pattern of codependency, and experiencing her fair share of heartbreak, Gabi realized she needed to look inward and fall in love with herself first.
I Claim Self-Worth
On this week's episode, Kristy shares her story as she claims self-worth. She realized that she had lost herself somewhere along the way, trying to be the perfect woman, trying to live up to the standards and expectations of others.
Life Is Short, Choose To Be Happy
Life can sometimes resemble being a Chargers fan. You're cruising along with a 21-point lead and blow it, only to lose the game like we've done several times in past seasons. But then I remember, life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I respond to it.
Erin Ramsey
I'm an expert at dating and relationships. I geek out on some good old fashion personal development. I'm on a mission to help others manifest their dream (wo)man, career, family, home, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I'm living my best life as a beach-loving, hopeful romantic, and fantasy football fanatic. Thanks for stopping by.