I Claim Authenticity

Can someone pinch me? Angie Lee has been instrumental in both my personal and professional growth. I don't even recall how I was first introduced to her, but I knew immediately that she was my people! I've been manifesting her being on my show, and guess what? The universe delivered! She's my guest this week!

At 19, Angie dropped out of college. She was $100,000 in debt. Not knowing exactly what was next for her, she leaned into a blog she started from her dorm room. She was one of the OG's paving a path of earning money online. She even jokes in our episode that she thought she'd made it when her first partner, a granola company, paid her $40 to promote their brand. Fast forward, Angie, now 31, is a successful entrepreneur who's grown her wellness brand to 8-figures and has a podcast with millions, yes, millions of downloads.

I look up to Angie so much because she's paved her own path, ditched the shoulds, and really stayed true to herself throughout the process. She is okay with sitting in uncertainty, owning her weird, and writing her a script from scratch. She doesn't need a manual. She's drafting her own. "I always say it's really exhausting to not be yourself. And so what happened is when I was not faking it, but I was being a little bit more reserved in the beginning, I noticed that I wasn't as happy when I was doing my work, and I just felt like something wasn't in alignment. And so it was similar to dating or anything else. You know it's building relationships with people online. You can't fake it for that long. Eventually, you're going to burn out. You're going to be like; I can't do this anymore."

And so it goes, she owned her weird. She created catchphrases like "ready is a lie," "start poop your pants nervous," "perfect is boring," and "dare to suck." If you've been struggling with owning your uniqueness and showing up as your true, authentic self, this episode is a must-listen.

Takeaways from this episode to stash in your tackle box:

  1. There are uncertainties in life. Learn to sit in the uncertainties because life is not a linear experience.

  2. Everyone has a little gremlin. Some people fear failure. Some people struggle with perfectionism. Others become paralyzed, by comparison, embrace your own journey, and don’t compare your day one with someone else’s day 100.

  3. Rather than focusing on analytics and metrics as a means of success, view success as being able to live the lifestyle you desire or being able to help as many people as you can. When you base success on metrics, the bar is constantly moving. It’s impossible to catch it.

  4. Being anything other than your authentic self is exhausting—embrace your weird.

  5. We go through seasons. It’s okay to pivot during these seasons. One season may be a true season of hustle; another might be more mellow, inward-focused, and paced.

  6. Not everything that glitters, glitters. Meaning someone else’s journey is not always as great as it’s portrayed. No one is perfect. We all are human and experience peaks and valleys.

Thank you so much for listening

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additional resources

Click here to download the worksheet that corresponds with this episode: I Claim Authenticity.

Schedule a 15-minute complimentary discovery call regarding 1:1 Coaching with Erin, here.

YSC Unfiltered

Angie and I continue our conversation on YSC Unfiltered. I spill the beans on what happened the day we were originally supposed to record and why I went to get a blowout to make it all better—or at least make myself feel better.


I Claim Courage To Do Hard Things


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