You’re Such A catch Blog
5 Truths of Reclamation
Kristy Katzmann, a recovering perfectionist, challenged herself to go through her own discovery (aka ‘reclamation’) process in real-time… with her audience… on her podcast... without knowing exactly where it would take her.
Is Online College an Option for You?
Are You Seeking a New Job?
Being unemployed is sometimes part of life – and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Especially in the current climate, plenty of powerful ladies are finding they have more free time on their hands. While spending time doing things you enjoy should be on your to-do list during this freeing time, pivoting to prep for a new career path is ideal, too.
Platonic Friendships
There’s a reason why cross-sex friendships tend to make a significant other feel jealous or threatened. Even if it isn’t said outright, sometimes you can feel the tension in the air or glaring eyeballs burning into your skin. Trust me, I know… I’ve been on both sides of the fence!
Wedgie Me, Please!
He then asked me on an overnight date, well, a weekend getaway. I agreed. We were drunk at dinner one night, and he asked me if I would wedgie him. What? Was he joking? He had to be joking. He then repeated himself, admitting he had a fetish for being wedgied by women. I sidestepped the issue and chalked it up to us, being extremely intoxicated.
Erin Ramsey
I'm an expert at dating and relationships. I geek out on some good old fashion personal development. I'm on a mission to help others manifest their dream (wo)man, career, family, home, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I'm living my best life as a beach-loving, hopeful romantic, and fantasy football fanatic. Thanks for stopping by.