5 Truths of Reclamation

Cinderella of the blog: Kristy Katzmann

I can hardly believe it, but I’ve just wrapped Season 2 of my podcast, She’s Unscripted. To think just over a year ago, I dove into the pod pool not knowing if I’d even be able to get one episode up and running, and now here we are 46 episodes later. It’s been a journey full of the unknown and unexpected, but more importantly, I’ve found something that I absolutely love. I am blown away by the guests I’ve interviewed and the fellow podcasters I’ve met along the way who have become dear friends today. Stumbling upon something new that lights your fire as a grown-up is truly a gift that I encourage you to explore whenever and wherever inspiration strikes your fancy.

Season 2 was all about RECLAMATION. When I found myself coming off more than a couple years of struggle (understatement), and more than a little burned out, I knew I had to do something and stat. Enter Season 2. A recovering perfectionist, I challenged myself to go through my own discovery (aka ‘reclamation’) process in real-time… with my audience… on my podcast... without knowing exactly where it would go. A perpetual ‘self-improver,’ I had plenty of resources to draw from and landed on JOY, PURPOSE, WELLNESS, and (SELF) LOVE as my 4 Pillars of Reclamation. Along with my guests, I explored these topics as the foundation for reclaiming your most authentic self and creating a life YOU love (aka your dream life). Here’s what we learned…

5 Takeaways From She’s unscripted Season 2

  1. JOY is so much more important than you think. When I identified my pillars of reclamation, I initially thought this one was the weakest. And boy oh boy could this not be farther from the truth. It is, in fact, one of THE most important things. Finding joy in your daily life opens up a gateway to connecting with yourself, your inner knowing, and finding your true purpose. It also sets off a (positive) chain reaction in everyone you meet. Allowing yourself to feel and express joy just might be one of the most powerful things you can do to change the world. Interested in learning more about joy? Check out this episode and this episode for more.

  2. CURIOSITY IS QUEEN is my new favorite catchphrase. Feeling stuck? Get curious. Bored? Get curious. Don’t know the answer? Get curious (you get the picture). Cultivating curiosity is key to living a fulfilling life… and finding your answers. Want to learn more? Listen to this episode and this episode to kickstart your curiosity.

  3. TRUST YOURSELF is a ‘must have’ not ‘nice to have’ belief. How often do we source out our decisions to friends, family, and even strangers? Spoiler: all of the time! I know you already know this, but it’s so important it bears repeating… all your answers lie within and only YOU can make the best decisions for you and your life. It’s time we start trusting ourselves to break free of perpetuating cycles. Need some help getting started? Listen to this and this episode for some great tips!

  4. TAKE IT ONE STEP AT A TIME is a mantra I personally have to repeat to myself daily (many times). I’m someone who wants the blueprint, the plan, the vision for how it’s all going to roll out. But here’s the thing, that’s not how life works. If we wait for the whole picture, the perfect time, or any other ‘thing’ we will be stuck waiting perpetually. To start making changes or going after your dreams, all you have to do is know the next step and nothing more. Clarity will reveal itself as you start taking action and soon enough, you’ll realize you’re paving a path to the things you want most. Need some inspiration? Check out this episode and this episode.

  5. EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN ITS OWN TIME might feel frustrating, but it actually takes a huge weight off your shoulders if you think about it. If you know you want something and are doing everything in your power to make it happen, but it’s still not happening, trust divine timing. Quite simply, it’s not the right time. This doesn’t mean you have to throw the dream out, it just means take your foot off the pedal and focus on something else. Who’s to say what else might transpire?! If patience is not your virtue, give this and this episode a listen to find some inner peace.

That’s a wrap folks! Hopefully, you were able to take away as many gems from my incredible guests this season as I did. And just in case you missed it, you can check out my full Season 2 (and Season 1) here. So cheers to the next great season ahead. I truly hope you’re looking forward to it as much as I am!

Xo, Kristy

Connect with Kristy Katzmann on Instagram.

Listen to I Claim Self Worth with Kristy Katzmann on the You’re Such a Catch podcast.


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