You’re Such A catch Blog
Tell a Friend to Tell a Friend…She’s Back!
Tell a friend to tell a friend she's back! Erin kicks off Season 4 with an update on all that's happened this past year: relationships, health, goals, dreams, signs, and synchronicities.
Love yourself first – with Erin Ramsey
Do you truly love the person whose reflection you see staring back at you in the mirror? If so, Erin is here to help you give that reflection some extra love. And if not, she'll show you the way to true self-love.
The Ultimate Hype Girl with Erin Ramsey
We dig into all the things this week: sticky notes, vision boards, the “F word.” We cover all our basis. Celebrating sisterhood is a magical thing.
That’s What She Said
“We start losing things from the day we’re born. And I think the more we can embrace that, and the more you can give way to that, the more joyful you’ll be.” That’s what she said!
Moving Past Murder
Collier Landry is a cinematographer and filmmaker who was 11 when his father brutally murdered his mother and buried her in the basement.
Inaugural Episode: Come Out Of Your Shell
I cannot wait to see all the places you go, Melissa! I’m going to be cheering you on every step of the way, going, “I know her! I was her first podcast guest!”
Fav Episodes Collab with She’s Unscripted
I'm teaming up with the beautiful and talented Kristy Katzmann, host of the She's Unscripted podcast, to bring you a compilation of our favorite episodes!
5 Truths of Reclamation
Kristy Katzmann, a recovering perfectionist, challenged herself to go through her own discovery (aka ‘reclamation’) process in real-time… with her audience… on her podcast... without knowing exactly where it would take her.
I Claim Healthy Habits
I know what it's like to crave sugar. I know what it's like to crave salts and want the fries, but I've had to ask myself how I want to feel as I get older? Do I want to feel better in my body, or do I want to feel crappy?
I Claim My Truth
She is a sex and love addict, an illness that affects 6% of the US population, of that 6%, 37% or 5.5 million are women. Brianne’s been in recovery, SLAA or Sex, and Love Addicts Anonymous for twelve years.
I Claim Intimacy Through Tantra
Tantra is all about self-mastery. This episode opens a beautiful conversation around letting go of shame to embrace more love and pleasure, whether you're in a relationship or solo.
I Claim Greatness
JaMarr shares the pivotal moment in which he recognized he was put on this planet for more. He was listening to Napolean Hill who was talking about people going through life without awareness of their purpose.
Erin Ramsey
I'm an expert at dating and relationships. I geek out on some good old fashion personal development. I'm on a mission to help others manifest their dream (wo)man, career, family, home, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I'm living my best life as a beach-loving, hopeful romantic, and fantasy football fanatic. Thanks for stopping by.