Is Online College an Option for You?

Cinderella of the blog: Amber Ramsey, writer at Learn It For Life

6 Questions to Ask

Is Online College an Option for You?-Dating Adventures Drawn Out_You're-Such-A-Catch_YSC-podcast_Youre-such-a-catch.jpg

Attending college virtually isn’t new, but it’s growing in popularity. And with the new normal we’re adapting to, virtual learning is just another challenge to face head-on.

But is it the right solution for your needs and professional field? Are you unsure about whether you can add online learning to your already-full professional plate? You’re Such a Catch has your back when it comes to navigating all of life’s obstacles.

Ask yourself these questions to determine whether online college is the right option for your career and future.

Do You Want to Upgrade Your Skills?

Maybe you’ve already attended college, but you recognize that things have changed since then. If that’s the case, returning to the virtual campus could help you brush up on your skills. And, as Thrive Global explains, learning something new enhances your confidence and feels empowering, to boot. Not to mention, continuing to learn throughout your life helps you stay sharp.

Are You Ready to Learn Something New?

Heading back to college is also an excellent way to learn something new. You might consider earning an online master’s degree in a field like IT management, data analytics, or even cybersecurity. Or, you may consider accounting for a financial perspective, or management for overall business skills development. If you’re thinking about changing career paths, and education could open countless doors or even expose you to a new niche you hadn’t considered before.

Is Earning More Money on Your To-Do List?

Your career may already be thriving. But did you know that earning a formal degree could boost your earning potential to the next tier? In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics confirms that professionals with higher-level degrees make hundreds of dollars more per week than those with less education, on average. There are no guarantees, but the odds are in your favor.

Do You Know How to Use a Laptop?

Many professionals shy away from returning to college because they fear the technological learning curve. But the truth is that most online courses are easy to use – all you need is basic computing skills and the right technology. Plus, there are video tutorials and self-help guides to learn any program or platform your professor requires. Forbes also offers some smart tips to help prep for your first class – and one suggestion involves clicking around to get comfortable before class starts.

Are You Seeking a New Job?

Being unemployed is sometimes part of life – and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Especially in the current climate, plenty of powerful ladies are finding they have more free time on their hands. While spending time doing things you enjoy should be on your to-do list during this freeing time, pivoting to prep for a new career path is ideal, too.

Can You Focus and Block Out Distractions?

Whether it’s social media updates beckoning or the rest of your household making a ruckus, can you dial in and focus on your studies from home? Online learning is more convenient than commuting to a campus, but you still need some quiet space and a strong ability to focus while learning virtually. Consider headphones to block noise and ensure you’re nixing distractions while you study. 

Going back to school online is probably the least stressful way to earn a degree. Yet it can seem intimidating because it’s a new experience – and could involve learning the ropes with a variety of programs and tools. But studying remotely could be the best thing to happen to your career – and your self-confidence.

Need to be talked off the panic ledge so you can enroll in school? Visit You’re Such a Catch and tune into No Job, Who Dis? for the inspiration you need to take the leap.

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