30-Day Gratitude Challenge

A gratitude a day keeps the [insert negative emotion] away. For me, listing five daily gratitudes has been life-changing. I've found that starting my morning with positive intentions leads to more fruitful days. I've always enjoyed that moment of peace before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. I pop a K-Cup in the Keurig, make my first of several cups of coffee, sit on the couch, and list out five things I'm grateful for.

Some mornings there are BIG things to recollect. Maybe I achieved something I've been working hard toward. Other days I recall the things I can sometimes take for granted: the roof over my head, my health, human interaction during a pandemic! More often than not, people are listed in my gratitudes, some of those names reoccurring. Looking back on your gratitudes from time to time is a good exercise too. You'll notice patterns, be reminded of times in which you overcame challenges, and you'll start to see those who come through for you consistently.

I thought it would be fun to do a 30-Day Challenge for those of you who are just getting their toes wet with daily gratitudes and for those who are proficient in giving thanks. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and I'm not talking about the mashed potatoes and gravy, or the Black Friday deals at Target, I'm talking about counting our blessings because we can always find something to be thankful for.

Simply print the calendar or screenshot it on your phone and perform the daily prompt to join the challenge. Not starting on the 1st, no worries. You can either backtrack and complete more than one prompt in a day or add the days you missed to the end of the challenge. Something tells me that after 30 days, you'll love this habit so much you'll make a conscious decision to keep it as part of your daily routine. Always remember, pay it forward.

From my grateful heart to yours. Xo.


  1. Print the calendar or take a screenshot from your phone

  2. Perform the daily prompt

  3. Observe the positive effects of a grateful heart

  4. Make daily gratitudes a part of your every day routine

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.


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