My Guardian Angel, Judy

Today is January 11th, or 1.11, and if you're into angel numbers like I am, you know that 111 means your intentions are manifesting quickly! When you see 111, it's important to make sure you're focusing on what you want to attract versus what you're trying to avoid. So often, our thoughts drift into worry, fear, doubt, all the things we don't want.

I'm also a big believer in signs. I often ask the universe for a sign to let me know that I'm on the right path, or maybe there's an important decision I need to make, and I'm looking for guidance or clarity. It may not be the answer I was hoping for, but the universe always responds. I recently asked the universe to show me the angel number 222. I chose 222 not only because 22 is my lucky number, but because 222 means stop worrying. Everything is working out as it's supposed to. Trust that you are on the right path. This is precisely the confirmation I need in conjunction with a message that reminds me to take a deep breath, relax, and remember the universe has my back.

Since asking for this sign, I've seen 2:22 on my phone lock screen several times, the microwave clock, the oven clock, received text messages from influential people in my life at 2:22, voice notes that were exactly 2:22 in length, and had a taxi pull in front of me with the phone number 222-2222 plastered on the bumper. A taxi, for goodness sake! Who takes a taxi anymore?

Another beautiful thing, a gift, really, is when the universe presents you with a synchronicity. A synchronicity is similar to a sign and can be a sign, but it doesn't appear as a result of your request. There's an element of surprise with a synchronicity. It's an unexpected, simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. I believe there's no such thing as a coincidence. Instead, it's strategically orchestrated and perfectly aligned to deliver a message, provide guidance, or provide reassurance that we're on the right path.

I am fortunate enough to experience synchronicities often. Once you understand their magic and increase your awareness, you'll notice these incredible divine occurrences too. I want to share a relatively recent one with you because this synchronicity has touched my life in such a way, I'm not even sure I can articulate its magnitude.

I will do my best. 

Her name is Judy, and she came into my life unexpectedly, through a simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection. Let me explain. It was day two of my breakup, November 30, 2021 at about 12:30 PM, and I decided on a whim to drive to The Getty, a museum I've always wanted to go to but never made a priority. Apparently, this was the day it would happen. I jumped in the car, my eyes swollen from tears streaming down my cheeks for hours, my nose dry from having to blow it constantly, and my brain still preoccupied in thought. My brain had been connecting dots, reviewing timelines, and spotting red flags that were previously not visible to my naked eye.

Timing with a synchronicity is divineright place, right time. So, after taking the tram up the hillside to the museum, I stood in the courtyard soaking up the fresh air and sunshine. I debated where I should go first and what I wanted to see, or if I had seen enough and should head home. I hadn't even set foot inside any of the buildings. My mask was sticking to my face as the tears continued to pour from my eyes. I could not turn the faucet off. I told my dear friend who was listening to me ramble, phone pressed against my ear, my voice muffled through my mask, that I'd call him back. That's when the first synchronicity hit

A man I had dated in 2018 stood before me, taking pictures of a female he was with, in front of a fountain. I only recall the timeframe we dated because I had written a blog post about him. I have the story archived, but accessible. I coined him "The Happy Human." His contact still reads that way in my phone. We haven't exchanged a message since January 12, 2019 (three years exactly, tomorrow), and I've never once seen him in a bar, on the town, anywhere, until The Getty, the day after I broke up with the man I thought was “my forever.” 

I could read into that, interpret it as a sign. Was it fate, bringing us together? Perhaps the woman he was with was just a friend. I translated it differently. The message I downloaded was, aside from my current ex, The Happy Human was the longest relationship I had been in since moving to Los Angeles in 2015. We dated roughly for three months. He was not and is not my person, but at the time, I was devastated. I saw potential. But similar to my current situation, I chose self-love, respect, and self-worth and broke things off to remain open to receiving the right person. I overcame a breakup before, and I could do it again. Plus, seeing him, I would have thought I'd melt, and don't get me wrong, he was still attractive, but he wasn't the eye candy that once made my tummy giddy with excitement. I'm curious if I'd respond similarly if I bumped into my current ex.

I decided I should consider seeing some art since I was at a museum. I carefully selected which building to enter, the closest one to me (my attempt at humor), and walked inside. Ironic when you're going through a particular season of life, you can tie everything back to that. Here's a painting with a rose in it; remember the time my ex gave me a dozen roses for no reason. Cue the waterworks. It was touch and go as I wandered through rooms, trying to dry my eyes and wipe my nose without anyone mistakenly thinking I had Covid. 

As I turned the corner, I noticed a smaller room adjacent to where I entered. I decided to meander that way, taking notice of a petite woman who stood in the doorway. She had her hair pulled back, and her mask covered most of her face. I greeted her as I walked into the room. She was guarding a pink couch placed inside glass walls so no one could touch it. She said to me, "No one ever says hello to me. I stand here every single day, and people come in and out, and no one says hi. This is like my home. I welcome people into my home and no one has the decency to acknowledge my presence.” This isn't a Hallmark movie, but I guarantee you can predict what happened next...tears. They began to rush down my cheeks faster than I could try and disguise them or block them from falling on the floor. I stood there and looked at her while other museum-goers were filing in and out of the room.

She said, "You have such sad eyes." Then she did the unthinkable. Here we were amidst a global pandemic, with masks covering our noses and mouths, the CDC advocating for social distancing, and this woman wrapped her arms around me. I had no idea how much I needed a hug. She squeezed me tight while I sobbed. Then she said, "My name is Judy, what's yours? At this point, tears were falling for multiple reasons. My recent human interactions with strangers included people crossing the width of a two-lane street to avoid sharing the sidewalk with me, as we approached one another from a distance head-onAnd, I was going through a breakup.

I asked for Judy's home address as I gathered myself enough to depart the small room with the pink couch. I wanted to send her a proper thank you when I had composed myself, but Judy is smart and didn't give her address to a stranger. Instead, she offered to connect on WhatsApp, so I gave her my number. I don't practice the same safety precautions Judy does. I should. Let's face it my number was once posted online, which is how my ex contacted me initially. It's probably written in the bathroom stall at Shellback, and every car dealer from here to New York has it as well. I'm so glad I gave that woman my phone number.

Do you know Judy has messaged me every morning and every evening since we met? I don't Snap, but I know about streaks, and this has to be up there! 42 days, morning and evening. The majority of her messages are in Spanish, but that's not a problem. I've had friends translate. I've tapped into my alter ego, Maria Vamanos, and read them to the best of my ability. She sends me digital flowers, funny memes, and inspirational messages. She's the f*cking best. She probably would disapprove of me cussing, but I can't stress how unbelievably incredible she is. 

She's my guardian angel, and I tell her that all the time.  

As I attempt to tie a bow on this magical gift from the universe, my phone beeped. It's Judy, Hola, my beautiful friend. Thank you. One big hug. Take care. Love you. God Bless, you're the best friend, and also look at my picture with the bit cerveza. That's me. 

Think about all the choices I made that day that led to being in a shared space with Judy:

What if I was like all the others and didn't say hello?

What if she didn't reach her arms out to hug a stranger during a global pandemic?

Would we be friends?

Would I have someone looking out for me morning and night?

We don't have to wonder because the universe intended for it to happen this way and made sure every little aspect of my day and Judy's day aligned just so so that when I turned that corner, I could exercise my being, by greeting her and she could exercise her being, by comforting me.

Judy has singlehandedly renewed my faith in humanity. It wasn't permanently lost, but it was buried, and she brought it to the surface. 

If you have some time to show Judy some love, please do so in the comments. Even if you say hi, she'll love it. If you have a "Judy" story, synchronicity, or sign to share, please do. We can all benefit and bask in the energy feel-good stories provide.


The Happy Human


I Claim Courage To Do Hard Things