I Claim My Live List

Today is the 100th episode of You're Such a Catch, and I cannot think of a better episode to be attached to that number than this one. Today, I'm going to share all about my impromptu, whirlwind adventure, illustrate how important it is to be open to opportunities and possibilities because you never know when a door is going to open, and when it does, you have to be ready to walk through it. This rings true with anything: relationships, career, once-in-a-lifetime experiences. The universe never takes what's meant to be yoursthe theme of my trip and life in general. Today, we, you and me, claim our live lists, and if you don't have one, you're going to draft one the second this episode concludes.

This gets me all fired up! 

I'm not a fan of the term bucket list. It has a negative connotation, hence the reframed concept of a live list. To me, a live list is a list of experiences or achievements you hope to accomplish in your lifetime. I drafted my first live list in 2014. Some things on that list include getting married, having children, writing a book, and going to a game in Green Bay. Some of the items I've crossed off from that list include making a difference, buying a Louis Vuitton bag, starting my own business, and visiting Nashville. I revised and added to my list in 2019 and 2020. Some additions include going to a Super Bowl Game, visiting every professional NFL stadium, sipping champagne with the man of my dreams in front of the Eiffel tower, and flying in the lay flats to Europe. 

Some of the items I've crossed off the revised list include buying a home in the South Bay, starting a podcast, and having nice quality hair extensions (hello Shirley, Phyllis, Krystal, and now my newest weave, Sasha). 

Making a live list is fun. If you can dream it, you can do it. Shoot for the stars. I think we've all had a moment in life, a friend or family member that passes too soon, a health scare that causes us to reevaluate what's truly important, and each year on our birthday, we reflect on where we are, where we thought we'd be at that age and where we'd like to get to. It's never too late to create a live list. Let's not leave anything on the table. Today is the day you commit to start living. We don't need to wait for a special occasion to wear the dress or the shoes, splurge on the upcharge for avocado, drink from the crystal glasses, and open the nice bottle of champagne. Every day we wake up and get to do this thing called life is a special occasion.

You've heard me talk a lot about alignment, especially when I had an intuitive feeling my past relationship was no longer serving me. Once I closed that door, I shared how the universe brought certain people into my life, new opportunities and possibilities presented. I experienced synchronicities that cannot be explained other than knowing in my heart they were meant for me from the universe. I am grateful I listened to my gut and made the choice I made because I know in my heart of hearts this is where I'm supposed to be, and the reason so many amazing things are aligning is that I listened, acted on, and trusted my guide. The story I will share today would not have happened if I was still in my relationship. I want to make that known because I was not vibrating at as high of a frequency, and even if the possibility had presented, I might have passed on it because my priorities were in a different place. Remember, when the door opens, you still need to walk through it, and the universe never takes what's meant to be yours.

Tune in to hear all about this epic Live List adventure.

Takeaways from this episode to stash in your tackle box:

  1. Everyone should have a live list

  2. Every day you wake up breathing is a special occasion, treat it as such.

  3. The universe never takes from you what’s meant for you.

  4. Experiences are far richer than any material item, and the memories you make with loved ones are priceless.

  5. The energy you bring and how you engage with others can create a ripple effect, spread joy wherever you go, and make friends along the way.

Thank you so much for listening

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additional resources

Click here to download the worksheet that corresponds with this episode: I Claim My Live List

Drafting your live list! In fact, after it’s made, take a picture or screenshot of it and tag me @youresuchacatch or use the hashtag #ysclivelist and I will share your list on my story.

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