On The Dot Featuring Erin Ramsey

on the dot

Host: Michael Dotterer | February 1, 2022

I met Michael through Club Nirvana, one of my affiliate sponsors. Michael is a 1984 Super Bowl Champion (Radiers), Stanford Hall of Famer, and the host of the OnTheDotPodcast. He’s also a super-connector. The phrase six degrees of Kevin Bacon could easily be replaced with six degrees of Michael Dotterer. He knows everyone! We’re both ENFP: PegasusFlying Horses are Champions. Michael invited me on his show to spotlight You’re Such a Catch!

Episode Summary

Join Erin Ramsey, the creator of the You're Such a Catch podcast, writer, and dating guru, and learn how the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself.

YouTube: On The Dot | Instagram: @michaeldotterer


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