10 Ways To Support You're Such A Catch Podcast

You tune in week after week. You're a faithful listener. You feel like you've known me for years, am I right? How do I know this? Because that's me listening to other (indie) podcasts I love. 

The first podcast I ever listened to was Loud But Harmless. I started listening because Ashlee was on my favorite radio show on Rock 105.3. I tuned in faithfully for years to Sky, Eddie, Boston Rob, and Ashlee. When Ashlee got fired, I couldn't get on board with the new dynamic, so I was thrilled when she started her pod. I feel like I grew up alongside Ashlee. I felt like we'd be the best of friends if we ever met in real life. I once contemplated inviting her to a Chargers game when the person I originally asked backed out last minute. I did write to her once through her website and remembered being crushed when she didn't respond. I try to remember that when people reach out to me. I did, however, develop a pretty solid friendship with one of her co-hosts, Skraby. He even did an episode with me on YSC Season One

The next podcast I binged. Can you guess what it was? Serial. I remember my friend Alex told me about it. I listened to all three seasons. There was something about Sarah Koenig's voice. I became obsessed with who killed Hae Min Ling and never wanted to believe it was Adnan Syed. Jay Wilds's story never added up to me. Neither did the fact that Mr. S stopped to pee conveniently right where Hae's body was buried in a shallow grave. I won't give any more spoilers if you are the one person out there who hasn't binged this pod. Season One was my favorite. Season Two and Three are good, but Season One was gold. HBO even did a DocuSeries called The Case Against Adnan Syed but the pod, in my humble opinion, is way better.  

Then I started my podcast. If you don't know how I started, I will give you the Reader's Digest version. Pod Sound School reached out to me on my snaughlingqueen Instagram. They asked if I had ever considered starting my show and explained they were starting a business and wanted to take someone who essentially knew nothing about podcasts into a podcaster to build a proof of concept. After deliberating, I agreed, and here I am, 52 episodes in and counting. I started this journey with zero expectations and had no idea how much I would enjoy the process, the platform, and the amazing people I would meet along the way. Hands down, the best part of podcasting is the people, connecting with listeners and guests and other podcasters out there hustling just like I am, which lends to why I sat down to draft this in the first place. How can you support indie podcasts and podcasters you enjoy listening to? 

Indie podcasts are like small businesses. They often don't get as much attention or recognition as they deserve because of the big box retailers or digital powerhouses, aka the Amazon of the podcast world, (cough cough) Joe Rogan. Celebs tend to monopolize the attention and resources of podcast players. When my show first came out, I applied to be on Apple's New and Noteworthy list. I remember filling out the application and responding to the "why." Why did my show deserve to be on that list? Sadly I never made the cut, but thankfully, I have somewhat thick skin and didn't allow Apple to make or break my journey. What spurred me on was you, my listener, my friend, a random stranger on the internet who opened up to me, poured out their thoughts, fears, triumphs, and helped pave the way for the YSC Community, or as I like to call it, the YSC Girl Gang and YSC Guy Tribe. Without you, without your support, I wouldn't be here. 

About the time I started You're Such A Catch, Dion McGill started Off The Beaten Podcast. I don't know what I did to deserve his unwavering support, but I am grateful for it every day. He initiated contact via email. I missed it because it went to an old email address. I'm not very tech-savvy and had my "Contact Me" email going to a bad email address. But that initial email, which I responded to maybe two weeks later, lead to what I'm going to declare a lifelong friendship and what Dion coins our podernfamily. His episode, 'Why Podcasts and How Can You Support Podcasts You Like?' inspired me to write this piece.  

All this to say, there are several ways you can support your favorite indie podcasts like You're Such A Catch, Off The Beaten Podcast, and others.  I can give you a shortlist of indie pods I recommend, too, based on the hosts' subject matter and personal relationships. 

Ways to support that won't cost you anything!

  1. Like, subscribe & follow @youresuchaacatch

  2. Rate & review on whatever podcast player you use

  3. Share an episode with a friend(s)

  4. Subscribe to the YSC email list (for promotions, announcements, events)

  5. Interact with the show (comment, email ideas, suggestions, comments)

  6. Networking - 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon, do you know someone who'd make an excellent guest? Send them my way erin@youresuchacatch.com

Ways to support that involve your pocketbook! 

  1. Buy Me A Cup of Coffee or a shot of Tequila

  2. Join YSC Unfiltered

  3. Purchase a course or elective offering from School Of Love

  4. Purchase an EmpowHERment Pin for yourself or a friend

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.


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