Adopt An Abundance Mindset

Cathy Heller’s Your Soul’s Calling: Day Five


It starts with one person, and it grows exponentially. So, where did this reference originate- from Cathy Heller's Your Soul's Calling Day Five. Cathy explains that we hold on to certainty so much as humans, yet what we desire is uncertainty. She adds that 95% of our thoughts put our brain to sleep. They're a repeat of the past, what's already happened. So, we have to rewire our brain.

Cathy talks about our belief in ourselves and how important that is when it comes to mindset. If you've been following my recaps each day from the challenge, you will have picked up that her passion and her mission is to help others find what they were mean to do, then figure out how to make money doing that versus their "day job." Today Cathy taps in on how to make this actionable.

She provides tips on how to grow your social media following and utilize emails to build your community and following. First, she speaks of identifying the five pillars that make up your composite. Then, rotate them in your feed, so anyone coming to your page for the first time can quickly identify who you are, what you're about and build an immediate connection to you.

Her next suggestion is to have a free offer. So, in exchange for your email, allow them to download a freebie. With that email list, send an email with additional value...for free. The idea is to come from a servant's heart. Lead with value and then mention your offer. Remember from yesterday, make seven deposits before making a withdraw: Deposit Before You Withdraw.

If you'd like to participate in the homework assignment for Day Five, complete the following:

  1. How do we make sales a people’s game and not a numbers game? Why does it help to offer free information or a sample of your services before you ever sell?

  2. How should we engage with people in emails? Should we be personable or try to impress? What’s an example of an easy fun question you could ask someone to start a relationship?

  3. How much money would you want to make a month? How many sales would it take for you to get there?

  4. DM your mentor: tell them what your dream really is and why it’s not okay to give up on it. Tell them what you’d love to do if only…

Here’s my homework:

  1. Sales should never be a numbers game. Numbers don’t sell, stories do. You need to build a connection with your audience. As Cathy mentioned before we should be making seven deposits before we ever make a withdraw. Our approach needs to begin with gratitude, a servant’s heart.

  2. We should engage people with emails showing our personality, speaking how we talk. We need to ditch the stuffy, professional, what we think we’re supposed to write and just be ourselves. Look for common ground to connect on. An easy fun question to start a relationship is, “What’s your drink order from Starbucks?” Then show up and deliver their preferred coffee.

  3. I would want to make enough to cover my monthly expenses, allow me to save, and have funds to invest back into my business. I need to get a calculator to do the math.

  4. Done!

With the week coming to an end and having such a profound impact on me, I elected to record an episode about the experience, in the same manner, that I connected with Cathy, from the heart, off the cuff, on audio, and video, and through storytelling.


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Deposit Before You Withdraw