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Cathy Heller’s Your Soul’s Calling: Day Four


You need an offer! Cathy Heller dives into sales and marketing on Day Four of Your Soul’s Calling. She says sales is intimatacy. She suggests changing the focus from selling to giving, stating that for every one withdraw, you should make seven deposits.

Cathy shares the four seasons of business:

  1. Visualization

  2. Engagement

  3. Lead Generation

  4. Sale

She added that we make money when we solve a problem. She also removes the mystery when it comes to who you’re selling to, your target customer. The secret; it’s you! You are your target market.

Cathy is a proponent of utilizing podcasting to create intimacy. Her thought process is that when a person selects a podcast to listen to, they commit to a longer span of time, building a relationship with the host. She attributes podcasting to the single greatest thing to growing her business. The woman has over 21 million downloads!

I’ve been mentioning how amazing Cathy’s stories have been. She shared another one today about Danielle and Adam Silverstein. They started their podcast, Marriage and Martinis to discuss their marital problems, out loud, completely vulnerable in front of the world. Their relationship was headed for divorce and they attribute their podcasting journey to saving their marriage.

Cathy explains people identify with the story; they buy because of the story. She goes on to add that there will be a buyer at every price. We have to ditch the scarcity mindset.

If you'd like to participate in the homework assignment for Day Four, complete the following:

  1. When Cathy said, “Why pay less when you can pay more?” What does that mean?

  2. Why is sales about intimacy? How is podcasting effective at creating this?

  3. What is holding you back from stepping into your full potential? What story are you telling yourself? Who would you be without that?

  4. DM this to your Mentor: What action steps are you going to make in the next 90 days to welcome abundance into your life?

  5. What’s your biggest takeaway from Day Four?

Here’s my homework:

  1. I think her point was that there's a market for everyone. People spend on what they value. My boyfriend has a saying, "People pay to pay attention."

  2. Sales is about intimacy because people buy from people they know, like, and trust. Podcasts create this intimacy because people get to know you for who you are—they build a relationship with you and get to know you on a completely different level. As a result, people connect with the host, and a community is built. I can attest to this concept.

  3. I am for sure the only person standing in my way. The story I've been telling myself is that sharing my podcast, my business, etc., might be considered bragging, or maybe my work isn't good enough. There's probably some imposter syndrome happening there. Without that, I'd be doing what I genuinely want to do, growing my audience, my reach, sharing my story with those who want to hear it and connect with it. Instead, I keep hearing Cathy's voice saying, "It's not about you, Erin."

  4. Done!

  5. My biggest takeaway from Day 4 is for every withdraw, make seven deposits. And success leaves clues!


Adopt An Abundance Mindset


Believe In Magic