#futureboards Masterclass

The universe works in mysterious ways. I found Sarah Centrella in early January as I scrolled through Instagram. After staying up way too late, deep in her feed, wondering how I'd never heard of her before I rushed out to buy her book #futureboards. I started reading and doing the homework assignments laid out in the book. I was feeling so motivated and so inspired I thought Sarah would be a great podcast guest for my She Can Do It! The empowHERment Series. I never thought in a million years she'd agree to it…but she did!

I suppose the saying if you don't ask, you'll never know rings true here. Sarah came on my show, and I immediately was enthralled with her story, her willingness to help others, and the concept that I could literally manifest my wildest dreams. I've always believed in manifestation, The Secret, that you are a culmination of the thoughts you put out into the universe, so this was not a new concept for me, instead, taking what I already knew to the next level. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. After Sarah was on my show, I finished reading the book just in time to attend her Masterclass being held in none other than Los Angeles. Yes, she is currently on tour and held a Masterclass in El Segundo. That wasn't a coincidence. I was meant to be in attendance.

I had no idea what to expect. I did anticipate that only women would be in attendance. I feel like a man would have to be secure with his masculinity to show up to a workshop about creating his dream life, but men should give this a try because it works. The women were all different ages, races, at various stages of life and from all over: Arizona, San Diego, Los Angeles, and even my hometown, Redding. As we went through similar exercises as I did in the book, it was nice to discuss the various scenarios with the group. Some of these exercises require you to do some heavy lifting. You have to dig deep within your core belief system and dispel any beliefs that you've acquired over the years that don't serve you. This is easier said than done.

This class also focuses on the critical differences between a thinker and a dreamer. I am a dreamer. I find it easy to daydream, to imagine myself working my dream job, living in my dream house, and being married to my dream husband. My brain doesn't work like that of a thinker. Thinkers are realists. They are more logical, and it's harder for them to picture their dream life before their brain immediately wants to correct the thought or insert the natural roadblock that exists.  

Among the exercises we completed were:

  • A snapshot of where we are today - career, love, wealth

  • What if? – asking yourself what if your wildest dreams come true

  • Learning about blockers – broke mindset, not worthy, low key martyr

  • I receive – opening up about what we're willing to receive from the universe

  • I release – releasing beliefs that are untrue and don't serve us

  • Planning your #futureboard

All of these exercises are eye-opening and fundamental to lay the proper foundation to ensure all of your wildest dreams can come to fruition. It's definitely worth purchasing the book and spending the time working through the homework. I took my time with the homework assignments. They're thought-provoking, and it's fun to dream about where you want your life to go. You start believing your dreams are right there at your fingertips.  

The most powerful exercise we did as a group was the I release activity. Sarah had us make a list of beliefs that we need to dispel. The list had to be written this way; I release the belief that… We made the list on a separate piece of paper. After we were done, we all stood in a circle, and Sarah told us we'd be reading our list aloud to the group. Of course, nerves, emotions, fear kicked in, but we were in a circle of trust, and everyone was brave and read their list aloud. After you read your list, you tore it up and threw it in the trashcan. Sarah said she usually likes to burn it, but of course, we couldn't do that in the hotel conference room. The trashcan was symbolic enough. This activity was eye-opening because a lot of us shared similar insecurities or myths about our body image or harbored guilt for not being a good enough daughter, friend, mother, etc. This was very therapeutic to release these myths and powerful to support and empathize with the other women in the circle.  

One thing I didn't anticipate was creating a strong bond with some of the women in the room. This is honestly the beauty of doing something like this. It allows you to broaden your circle and meet people you may not otherwise have the opportunity to. I also believe the universe brought all of us women together for a reason, almost as if we were hand-selected to be in that room together that day, to share the moment and the experience with one another. I almost wish Sarah's class had a part two. The same group of women would reconvene in six months or a year and have the "where are they now" conversation. How amazing would that be? I'd love to bear witness to watching all of the dreams in that room become a reality.

So what's next? I've read the book, I've interviewed the author, and I've attended her Masterclass. Now I create my #futureboard. I have been working hard at finding the right images that evoke the feeling I will have at the moment that that particular dream becomes a reality. Stay tuned for a picture of my board. This post will be time stamped, so as I manifest the future of my dreams, I can look back and think, it all started here and also keep track of all that has come true. Sarah said she'd had over two hundred things on her #futureboard become a reality. That folks is the universe hard at work and validates that your mind is a powerful tool.

Are you ready to start manifesting your dreams? No seriously, what are you waiting for? DO IT!

Additional Book Recommendations

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.


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