Write It Down


There are so many benefits of writing down goals, but yet we sometimes don't make an effort. My goal in writing this down is for you to feel compelled to put forth that effort, understanding only great things come from putting pen to paper.

Writing things down will not only help you remember key information, but it will help your brain identify and focus on what's truly important. Several studies have been done on the effectiveness of achieving a goal when it's written down versus when it's just an idea floating in your brain. A Harvard Business Study concluded those who wrote down their goals were 3xs more successful than those who didn't.

Let's explore writing down our wants, desires, and biggest dreams as we work toward manifesting them into reality. Writing down these goals signals to the universe that we're ready to receive whatever the goal may be. It activates our subconscious to look for opportunities. Then the universe begins to align to bring us what we want.

In episode 29, Write It Down, I share a story of an exercise my mentor, Brent Abdulla, challenged me to do. Brent was a guest on this episode, making it extra special to relive this moment together. It was 2014, and I was frustrated with my career. I wanted to continue climbing the corporate ladder but hit a roadblock, my boss. He didn't think I had the proper skill set to perform the job I wanted, which is essentially the same argument he gave when I earned the role I was currently executingthe one that awarded me 40 Under 40 honors in Automotive News. Recognizing my work ethic and desire to move up, Brent said, "Make a list of everything you want in your next job." He added, "I don't care if you want to see a palm tree when you look out the window, write it down."

I took the assignment seriously. I wrote down a list of everything I wanted in a job, down to looking out my window and seeing a palm tree. A few months later, after the article was published in Automotive News, my phone started to ring. One of the companies offering me a position was Dealer.com. I remember being on the phone with Jerry Salerno, who ended up being my first boss. He was rattling off the benefits of working for DDC, where the office was located, and what my job function would be. I listened intently and asked if he could send me the offer in writing. He obliged. I received the email and immediately went on a witchhunt to find the notebook with "my next job" list written inside. I opened up the yellow notebook and started reading the list aloud—everything I had notated this job offered.

I took a risk by saying yes. I had to sell my home, pack up four bedrooms and consolidate my things into a one-bedroom cottage. I had to give my puppy up for adoption and adjust to a new town, over one hundred miles away, where I'd have a blank slate to write a new chapter. But I trusted the universe. I asked for it; the universe delivered. I would not be where I am today if I hadn't done that exercise and written my goals down.

This is not an isolated incident either. I have several other experiences, situations, and even a list of "my dream man" drafted on August 9th, 2015, in which writing it down has made the dream a reality.

What goals are you going to write down today so you can start making them a reality ASAP?

Izza Wei-Haas

A boutique design studio by Wei-Haasome LLC, specializing in thoughtful websites for small businesses, graphic design, and botanical goods.


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