Reprogram Your Mind & Change Your Life


What if I told you that you could consciously create your future? I'm guessing some of you just rolled your eyes. Some are probably intrigued. Others might think this is too woo woo for them. Hear me out, and then come to your own conclusion. This concept comes from Neuroscientist and Meditation Expert Dr. Joe Dispenza. He does a great job of breaking this down so we can easily digest the information.

The human mind is programmed to reflect what we already know. It keeps a record of our past. Are you following? Think about it, did your brain change at all today? You woke up the way you always do; for me, to my alarm on my iPhone. I roll over, turn it off, lay in bed a minute, check any texts, glance at my emails, and then I bounce out of bed, use the restroom, and head to the kitchen for my first cup of coffee. I sit down, list my gratitudes in my gratitude journal. Then I get ready, making myself appear in the mirror the way the world knows me. Then I go about my work schedule, fitting in a workout, I interact with the same people who know how to press my emotional buttons. In the evening, I fix dinner, relax a minute, and go back to bed to wake up the next day and rinse and repeat. Each day, I'm thinking all the same thoughts as I usually do. I'm performing the same actions that create the same experiences that produce the same emotions expecting something to change. Essentially you begin to think equal to your environment. Let me use the example of being single. When you're single, and you're stuck on the hamster wheel of dating, you're going through the motions as a single person, fixating on the lack of a partner, and you do so each and every day, reinforcing your reality of being single. You essentially create more of the same.

To truly change your reality, you have to think greater than your environment:

  1. You have to have a vision for what you want your life to look like. This is where that vision or future board comes into play with the categories relationships, career, mind and body, wealth and abundance, and passion and joy.

  2. To really evoke change, you have to start to live as if that reality is actually happening now.

  3. You have to believe in a future that you can't see or experience with your senses.

Remember, our mind reflects what we know, keeping a record of our environment from our past. So if you've thought about something enough times, your brain will change, and it will look like the event has already happened. Neuroscience says it's possible.  

Your personality creates your personal reality. I can attest to this. Your personality is made up of how you think, act and feel. Are you happy with your present personality, or do you want to create a new personal reality? When I was single, I wanted a new personal reality. Transitioning from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, I desire a new personal reality. Losing weight, being a healthier version of myself, I want to alter my personal reality. How do we do this? We have to change the thoughts we're thinking, the behaviors and habits we're demonstrating, and we have to alter the emotions we've memorized. They've become our identity, and that's not who we want to be anymore. We want to be someone else, a higher version of ourselves. 

As we keep thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living the same experiences that produce the same emotions, we're creating the same reality. There's a principle in Neuroscience that Dr. Joe Dispenza references, nerve cells that fire together, wire together. When we keep repeating the same states of mind and body, our brain fires the same sequences, same patterns, and same combinations. As we continue to remind ourselves of who we are, we're causing our brain to fire in the exact same way. And when the brain fires and wires in the same pattern over time, the brain moves into a finite signature called your personality. Now your brain is wired to run these programs redundantly because we repeatedly do the same things. We're creatures of habit.

To change the mind, we have to make the brain work in new sequences, patterns, and combinations. How do we do this? With knowledge. Every time you learn something new, you make a new connection in your brain. Learning is creating new connections. Retaining is remembering the connections. Every time you have a thought, your brain releases a chemical. This is where it gets fascinating because as you have these thoughts, they turn on circuits in your brain which fire a sequence, pattern, and combination, and the brain makes a chemical for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking. Positive thoughts put specific circuits in motion, and negative thoughts put a different set of circuits in motion in a different combination, sequence, or pattern. Because the brain is in constant communication with your body, depending on your thoughts, positive or negative, you begin to think the way you feel, which makes more chemicals for you to feel the way you think, and then think the way you feel. Some people don't realize the connection between the two and live their whole lives stuck in this matrix. Being caught on this hamster wheel creates a state of being. This is when your mind and body are working together, or your thoughts and feelings are aligned to a concept. Thoughts are the language of the brain, and feelings are the language of the body. When mind and body are both aware of something, that's called a habit. A habit is when the body is the mind. Now bear with me because I know this can seem complicated, but this is where Dr. Joe Dispenza exploits the real game-changer. 

Are you ready for this knowledge bomb? 95% of who you are by age 35 is a set of memorized behaviors, emotional reactions and beliefs, and perceptions programmed within us. In contrast, the other 5% of your conscious mind begins to work against 95% of what you memorized. For example, you set out to think positively, but you feel negative. You want to create your future board and pin photos of all you want to achieve in life, but you feel unworthy. This is mind and body opposition. We have to recondition the body to a new mind. 

Dr. Joe Dispenza uses this example, and it's true, we all have this friend, the friend who's memorized suffering, or maybe this is even you. You ask them, did you do the homework assignments in the future board book, their response, "No." Did you check out that youtube video I sent you? "No." Do you want to go for a walk or watch the sunset with me? "No." They're insisting on this neurochemical order that no person, no experience, nothing can move them from. They're stuck in their state of being. And most people shy away from doing the work on themselves. 

The message I'm trying to share will change your life. Don't be like most people and wait for trauma, disease, or loss to change the trajectory of your life. You aren’t most people! Why wait? We can learn and change in the state of pain and suffering, which tends to be what most people do, or we can learn and change in the state of joy and inspiration. We can reprogram our mind and body to start achieving our desires, wants, and goals. This isn't a gimmick. I am living proof that this works. Now it's a work in progress, and just like you, I'm human. I make mistakes. I am going to have good days and bad days. I will have high vibrational days where joy, creativity, and happiness exude, and I'm going to have low vibrational days where I experience self-doubt, anxiety, and unworthiness. The difference is awareness. Understanding how the mind and bodywork, and having grace until I can reboot my system, sequences, patterns, and combinations. 

Slowly but surely, I'm changing my mindset and unplugging from the chemicals released from negative thoughts. Those chemicals don't serve me. They're toxic, and I need to break free from the body wanting to revert back to what it knows. It's possible. I can do this, and so can you. We can start today, immediately. It's a marathon, not a sprint, so be patient. Everyone has to start somewhere, and starting now is better than starting on Monday or next year. We have one life to live. Let's make it count. 


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