Reach For The Highest Branch

Cathy Heller’s Your Soul’s Calling: Day One


I was feeling a bit down and decided to go for a walk a few weeks ago. I had been listening to Gabby Bernstein and she said, when you’re in need of something, simply ask the universe for guidance. I heeded her advice. I asked the universe to guide me to something motivating to listen to on my walk, a podcast. I went to the search bar. I don’t even recall what I entered, but Cathy Heller’s podcast, Don’t Keep Your Day Job popped up. Her name sounded familiar, but I hadn't listened to anything of hers before and figured, why not. The sheer title resonated with me. I chose her episode with Anne Lamott: How to Quiet Your Inner Critic and Stop Procrastinating On Your Dreams. I was immediately hooked so much so I also downloaded her book, Don’t Keep Your Day Job on Audible. I binged it in two days while walking my neighborhood.

I discovered Cathy would be holding a five-day challenge, live workshop on Facebook called Your Soul’s Calling. I took this as a sign from the universe. The universe led me to the podcast, which led me to her book, which then led me to this intimate workshop. Gabby was right, all I needed to do was ask the universe for direction.

Today was day one of Your Soul’s Calling. I logged on two minutes till 9 AM with a notebook and pencil. I was ready for whatever wisdom Cathy was going to share. She did not disappoint. Her teachings aren’t scripted, she uses stories and her own personal experiences to illustrate the point she wants to convey. This makes her real, authentic, and relatable. I also love that she has been working closely with Dr. Joe Dispenza who I referenced on Season 2, Episode 33: Reprogram Your Mind & Change Your Life. That connection also felt divine. I decided I’d document each day for anyone who’s unable to participate and also for my personal growth. I want to look back on this one day and recognize I was on the right path, following my purpose, my soul’s calling all along.

Today Cathy discussed how critical the first eight years of life are in terms of programming our minds. She described us as wet cement, our brains sponges, soaking everything up. As we get older our childhood self influences our adult self and this is when fear, doubt, and maybe even anger take effect. When we exhibit these feelings we are on a lower vibrational level. We tend to reach for the highest branch we can see versus the highest branch. We become our thoughts and our world is contrived of our narrow vision unless we open our hearts to opportunity. She said we don’t make space to love that little kid, our seven-year-old self—nor do we allow ourselves to heal.

What I love about Cathy’s story is she was just like me and you. She was chasing a dream but needed money to live, to pay her rent. As she was pursuing an opportunity of a lifetime to write music, being in the same space as Lady Gaga as she recorded Paparazzi, she was also working a day job to support herself. She shared a story about riding in an elevator, headed to that job. She saw her reflection in the mirror of that elevator and didn’t recognize herself. She realized that she wanted to be excited about waking up each and every day. She also told herself that it’s okay to be somewhere between a Beyoncé and “nobody”. She gave herself permission to try and pivoted to teach others how to write music.

Cathy started coaching others live. She also started her podcast. She recorded her first episode in her closet eight times before deciding to release it. She had an epiphany. It wasn’t about her. It was about sharing her gift with the world, helping others. Her podcast now has over 21 million downloads and she’s been able to earn nearly eight figures from her efforts. Her mission is to help others, just like us, do the same.

She spoke of Ikigai, a Japanese concept referring to having a direction or purpose in life. She mentioned these three concepts when it comes to living out your purpose and getting paid to do your passion.

  1. Do what you love.

  2. Do something you’re great at.

  3. Do something someone else needs.

She said most people do one, or even two of the above, but not many are able to do all three. Finding your purpose, what you’re great at, and helping someone else by executing it is the ultimate goal. We all have a purpose, we need to uncover it and start taking action to share it with others.

If you’d like to participate in the homework assignment for Day One, complete the following:

  1. Write yourself the permission slip, “Dear _____, I give you permission to be messy. I give you permission to play. I give you permission to make mediocre things. I give you permission to trust the process. Love, _____”

  2. Post of photo of you as a child around 7 or 8 years old. What would they say to you if you met them today?

  3. What are your 5 dream lives? Which one lights you up the most?

  4. What are 5 things you would do if you didn’t have to worry about being perfect?

  5. What’s your biggest takeaway from Day One?

Here’s my homework:

Erin at 7.JPG
  1. “Dear Erin, I give you permission to be messy. I give you permission to play. I give you permission to make mediocre things. I give you permission to trust the process. Love, Erin.”

  2. You, my dear, are capable of great things. Be your true, authentic self. Always share your smile and passion with others. Your light shines bright.

  3. Sportscaster, Podcast host full time, Live social events, Helping others find love, love themselves, Author

  4. Post/go-live more on social media, Share about what I'm doing: podcast, blogging, etc., with others, Approach people, businesses with my greeting card line, Host live events; do public speaking engagements, Host rooms on Clubhouse.

  5. My biggest takeaway from day one is to keep an open heart. Be open to the possibility, the positive "what ifs," and ditch the stress, anxiety, and fear because that's lowering my vibrational level.

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