Thoughts Are Not Facts

Cathy Heller’s Your Soul’s Calling: Day Two


Why don't we have the abundance we want? It's within our reach. So how do we step into our potential? Cathy Heller's Your Soul's Calling Day Two is all about tapping into our potential, changing our beliefs about money, and deciding which business model (maker, teacher, curator, investigator, or service provider) we most identify with. 

Cathy did a recap and highlighted some key points from yesterday's session. First, she reminded us that our brains are an artifact—95% of what we think is repetitive. Essentially we are living our very own Groundhog's Day unless we make an effort to change it.  

When it comes to money, most of our beliefs are developed at a young age from what we learned from our parents or during our upbringing. Therefore, if we have a negative connotation to money, we need to create a new thought pattern, essentially reprogram our way of thinking. She said we need to create new roots, cast new vibrations, call our future to us, making a vibrational match.

Cathy reminded us that we do not have to choose between being a good person and money. We can be both good people and have money. She illustrated how having more money can be used for good. She even quoted Mother Teresa, saying, "It takes a checkbook to change the world." Money is a resource. The more we have, the more we can give.  

People feel shame around receiving. Sometimes we don't believe we are worthy. We think things that are given to us are things we need to earn. Cathy spoke of Berné Brown's work with shame, saying we guard ourselves from too much joy because it's when we're the most vulnerable.

How do we take action? Cathy explained there are five ways to make money. Be a:

  1. Maker

  2. Teacher

  3. Curator

  4. Investigator

  5. Service Provider

She added that we need to debunk the myth that to make money, we have to do something we don't enjoy, and if we do something we love, we will starve. No! This is a thought we need to reprogram immediately!  

One of the most inspiring parts of Cathy's Your Soul's Calling for me has been her ability to weave applicable stories into the lessons. The stories are what do it for me. They hammer the message home. I highly recommend listening back to the replay if you missed it to hear the stories first hand and have the same AHA moments I had.  

If you'd like to participate in the homework assignment for Day Two, complete the following:

  1. What is your money story? How can you rewrite it?

  2. If you had more money, what would you do with it?

  3. Which business model sounds most exciting to you and why? What are things you could do/teach/make?

  4. What are three things people come to you for? Ask a few friends what they think you are best at!

  5. What's your biggest takeaway from Day 2?

Here's my homework:

  1. My money story has been pretty strong up until last September, when I lost my corporate job. I have positive affirmations written in my journal: "There is always enough money for me. The universe always provides financially." I've allowed doubt to sneak in subtlely, and I want to remove that and focus solely on abundance. My parents are savers. They held on to their money. I want to use mine for good during my lifetime.

  2. If I had more money, I would use it for advertising my podcast to expand my digital footprint so I can reach and help more people. I'd host live events and singles mixtures to help people find love. I'd also make my small business my full-time focus, not having to worry about day-to-day expenses and bills.

  3. I feel as if I am already doing some of the models. I am a maker. I make greeting cards. I am a teacher. I help coach women who want to manifest their dream lives. I am an investigator with my work on the podcast and blog.

  4. People come to me for motivation, advice, and positivity.

  5. My biggest takeaway from Day Two is there's a BIG difference between hope and certainty. I need to change the language I use to sound more confident. Also, when they zig, you zag!


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