You’re Such A catch Blog
The Hopeful Romantics
Does the road to a relationship begin with an attitude adjustment? Erin stops by to talk about reclaiming your dating mojo, recognizing your weaknesses, bouncing back from heartbreak, putting yourself first, and recalibrating your destiny.
Divorcée on Dating Apps
People kept saying, "You're such a catch! Why don't you have someone?" To which she learned that dating isn't easy, finding your partner isn't easy, but helping others is easy. This is why she shares her trials and tribulations on her podcast.
Fav Episodes Collab with She’s Unscripted
I'm teaming up with the beautiful and talented Kristy Katzmann, host of the She's Unscripted podcast, to bring you a compilation of our favorite episodes!
I’m a f*cking catch featuring Erin Ramsey
Erin talks about the journey that led her to really connect with herself and how that has resulted in making difficult and heartbreaking decisions.
Bad Date BINGO With Bekah
Could you write a book about bad dates? If so, you won't want to miss this conversation series with Rebekah Manley, the talented author of Alexandra and the Awful, Awkward, No Fun, Truly Bad Dates.
5 Truths of Reclamation
Kristy Katzmann, a recovering perfectionist, challenged herself to go through her own discovery (aka ‘reclamation’) process in real-time… with her audience… on her podcast... without knowing exactly where it would take her.
I Claim Financial Freedom
My goal on this episode is to get you to think differently about your relationship with money, speak differently about money, and pay extra attention to the language you use when you're having a conversation around money.
No “Ragrets”
I was super intrigued by the conversation because it challenged a belief or stance I'd taken a long time ago to live a life of no regrets. Daniel surveyed nearly 17,000 people in over 100 countries and compiled their responses. Daniel talks about choices that seem irresistible at first but morph into powerful regrets later in life, what he calls foundational regrets.
I Claim Confidence
Kacia teaches us how to claim confidence by making deposits into our confidence bucket during all seasons of life, no matter what negativity or challenges we face.
I Claim Healthy Habits
I know what it's like to crave sugar. I know what it's like to crave salts and want the fries, but I've had to ask myself how I want to feel as I get older? Do I want to feel better in my body, or do I want to feel crappy?
I Claim My Truth
She is a sex and love addict, an illness that affects 6% of the US population, of that 6%, 37% or 5.5 million are women. Brianne’s been in recovery, SLAA or Sex, and Love Addicts Anonymous for twelve years.
On The Dot Featuring Erin Ramsey
Join Erin Ramsey, the creator of the You're Such a Catch podcast, writer, and dating guru, and learn how the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself.
Erin Ramsey
I'm an expert at dating and relationships. I geek out on some good old fashion personal development. I'm on a mission to help others manifest their dream (wo)man, career, family, home, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
I'm living my best life as a beach-loving, hopeful romantic, and fantasy football fanatic. Thanks for stopping by.