You’re Such A catch Blog

YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas

Team Mindy

Watching Season 10 of Married At First Sight, I identified with Mindy Shiben. I remember thinking how brave she was, marrying a stranger at first sight. I empathized with her when her parents chose not to be a part of her special day. Mindy did have her friends' support, standing by her side at the altar, committing to a man she just met.

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YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas

6 Podcast Episodes To Improve Your Dating Life

As the end of You’re Such A Catch Season 1 approaches, I've put together a shortlist of podcast episodes that offer smart insights, deep truths, and practical advice that you can apply today to improve your dating life. Have a listen and take a leap of faith toward meeting your perfect match and creating a lasting relationship. Your Prince Charming is out there!

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Dating Izza Wei-Haas Dating Izza Wei-Haas

How to Lose a Girl in 10 Minutes on a Zoom Date

How to Lose a Girl in 10 Minutes on Zoom is a 2020 rom-com parody short film produced by Studio Steve, starring Erin Ramsey and Chris Waters. It is based on dating during the pandemic, loosely inspired by Dan and Erika's virtual Hinge dates, showcasing what it's like to be in search of a r̶e̶l̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶h̶i̶p quarantineship.

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YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas

Stop Overthinking It!

Before you kill your dating game by overthinking, tune into S1: EP28 Stop Overthinking It! You'll learn a couple of methods that will help you from going down a rabbit hole. Give yourself, your (prospective) partner, and your relationship the fighting chance it deserves. Learn to live in the moment while not rehashing the past or worrying about the future.

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YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas YSC Podcast, Dating Izza Wei-Haas

Pillow Talk

We walked into the private room where chairs and couches alike formed a circle. Inside the circle, there were a couple of small tables with empty drinks and candles glowing. In the corner was the bar. The room had a faint smell of incense. I wasn't sure if we were going to hear dating tips from the master herself, witness a seance, or engage in a group therapy.

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Dating, Cinderella Izza Wei-Haas Dating, Cinderella Izza Wei-Haas

Wedgie Me, Please!

He then asked me on an overnight date, well, a weekend getaway. I agreed. We were drunk at dinner one night, and he asked me if I would wedgie him. What? Was he joking? He had to be joking. He then repeated himself, admitting he had a fetish for being wedgied by women. I sidestepped the issue and chalked it up to us, being extremely intoxicated.

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Dating Izza Wei-Haas Dating Izza Wei-Haas

Shine Bright Like a Diamond

We walked to Shellback Tavern, my favorite dive bar, not too far down the street. We each took a seat at the bar, and he ordered a round of vodka soda waters. I take mine with a lime and cherry to make it a little more exciting. He proposed a toast to a fun night, we clanked plastic cups, and each took a sip. He asked me if I was up for playing a game. “Sure, why not?” I said.

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Dating Izza Wei-Haas Dating Izza Wei-Haas

The 48-Year Old Non-Virgin

I was honest with him. I explained what I want. As you get older, you learn to be more vocal when you’re dating. Your time becomes more precious, and you learn sugar coating things doesn’t help. He understood. He said he might consider having another child if he met the right girl. Might. I heard his initial, unfiltered stance in general conversation.

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Dating Izza Wei-Haas Dating Izza Wei-Haas

30 Day App Cleanse

“People want to know about other people’s dating experiences because everyone’s just trying to figure it out.”

Truer words have never been spoken. Case in point, every time I get together with my single girlfriends, the main topic of conversation is dating. I love sharing a good story, especially a dating story. I’ll touch on the highs and add humor to the lows.

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Dating, Manifestation Izza Wei-Haas Dating, Manifestation Izza Wei-Haas

Manifesting My Ideal Man

If you’re like me, you started your journey to find love with a lengthy list of what you envision your perfect man to be.  And if you believe in The Secret, like I do, this list is everything.  It’s your wish list to the universe.  You draft it, then write it down in your favorite journal.  Then you wait patiently for the universe to deliver based on the Law Of Attraction.

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Erin Ramsey

I'm an expert at dating and relationships. I geek out on some good old fashion personal development. I'm on a mission to help others manifest their dream (wo)man, career, family, home, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I'm living my best life as a beach-loving, hopeful romantic, and fantasy football fanatic. Thanks for stopping by.


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YSC Podcast

Catch up on the podcast showcasing everything from dating advice to inspiring women to tips on attracting your wildest dreams.

Dating Advice

The best advice from relationship experts and the YSC Community sprinkled with nuggets learned from my personal experiences.

cinderella stories

Ghost-written stories of bad dates, real-life Hallmark movie moments, and everything in between shared for your entertainment.

Manifest it

 The phenomenon when something that was once a part of your imagination becomes actualized into physical reality.