You’re Such A catch Blog
I Claim Happiness
I want you to think back to the last time you were truly happy, full of joy and optimism, smiling from ear to ear? When was it? Was it last week, last month, five years ago, or would you classify yourself as happy right now, in this moment?
Floor Seats At Chappelle, We’re All In!
If you've ever wanted to manifest an experience or ride the wave of spontaneity, this story is for you. The synchronicities of this trip were incredible. I'm going to list all the ways the Universe made this trip amazing to illustrate that manifesting a once-in-a-lifetime or incredible experience is possible.
5 Thoughts That Hinder Your Dating Life
The 5 most common limiting thoughts we have as women for why we're single and how to move past them to put ourselves on a higher vibrational level. You'll be more confident, happy and you'll present a better version of yourself when that relationship comes your way.
Deposit Before You Withdraw
Cathy Heller suggests podcasting as a means to create intimacy in business. Her thought is that when a person selects a podcast to listen to, they commit to a longer span of time, compared to YouTube or other forms of media, which allows them to build a closer relationship with the host.
Believe In Magic
There is magic everywhere. When we operate from fear, shame, or doubt, we're unable to see it. When dying, the biggest regret people have is that they did not live life on their terms. Believe in magic. You will be lead to synchronicity.
Thoughts Are Not Facts
Your Soul’s Calling Day Two is all about tapping into our potential, changing our beliefs about money, and deciding which business model (maker, teacher, curator, investigator, or service provider) we most identify with.
Reach For The Highest Branch
In Day One of Your Soul’s Calling, Cathy Heller said finding your purpose, what you’re great at, and helping someone else by executing it is the ultimate goal. She added we all have a purpose. We need to uncover it and start taking action to share it with others.
Create & Sustain Healthy Friendships As Adults
Learn how to acquire new friends, sustain good friends, and ensure you're doing your part in the relationship. Not every friendship is supposed to last. Relationships come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
Reprogram Your Mind & Change Your Life
As we keep thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living the same experiences that produce the same emotions, we're creating the same reality. To change the mind, we have to make the brain work in new sequences, patterns, and combinations.
Write It Down
But I trusted the universe. I asked for it; the universe delivered. I would not be where I am today if I hadn't done that exercise and written my goals down.
This is not an isolated incident either. I have several other experiences, situations, and even a list of "my dream man" drafted on August 9th, 2015, in which writing it down has made the dream a reality.
Make 2021 Your Year
Are you ready to start manifesting your wildest dreams? Download these free goal-setting worksheets and start crushing it! What are you waiting for? You have goals to achieve in 2021!
Safer at Home Beauty Hacks
Despite all the efforts of my favorite salons, estheticians, and nail technicians to comply with CV-19 guidelines, my routine is forced to come to a screeching halt...again. So here are my at-home beauty tips and at-home routine