You’re Such A catch Blog
5 Thoughts That Hinder Your Dating Life
The 5 most common limiting thoughts we have as women for why we're single and how to move past them to put ourselves on a higher vibrational level. You'll be more confident, happy and you'll present a better version of yourself when that relationship comes your way.
Adopt An Abundance Mindset
With sales, the idea is to come from a servant's heart. Lead with value and then mention your offer. Remember Cathy’s suggested rule of thumb, make seven deposits before making a withdraw.
Deposit Before You Withdraw
Cathy Heller suggests podcasting as a means to create intimacy in business. Her thought is that when a person selects a podcast to listen to, they commit to a longer span of time, compared to YouTube or other forms of media, which allows them to build a closer relationship with the host.
Believe In Magic
There is magic everywhere. When we operate from fear, shame, or doubt, we're unable to see it. When dying, the biggest regret people have is that they did not live life on their terms. Believe in magic. You will be lead to synchronicity.
Thoughts Are Not Facts
Your Soul’s Calling Day Two is all about tapping into our potential, changing our beliefs about money, and deciding which business model (maker, teacher, curator, investigator, or service provider) we most identify with.
Reach For The Highest Branch
In Day One of Your Soul’s Calling, Cathy Heller said finding your purpose, what you’re great at, and helping someone else by executing it is the ultimate goal. She added we all have a purpose. We need to uncover it and start taking action to share it with others.
Create & Sustain Healthy Friendships As Adults
Learn how to acquire new friends, sustain good friends, and ensure you're doing your part in the relationship. Not every friendship is supposed to last. Relationships come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
You’re Such a Catch
Laura and I connected on Twitter. Her show caught my eye: There Are No Nice Guys. I was still single at the time we connected. We tweeted back and forth about divorce, having a good group of girlfriends to help you through a divorce, and we swapped advice we've heard regarding dating after divorce.
Feeling myself
Masturbation Month is a platform for brands and wellness experts to increase awareness around self-pleasure. Masturbation is known to release a chemical called oxytocin which acts as a pain reliever for our bodies. In addition, self-pleasure has the unique power to decrease stress, alleviate aches & pains, induce sleep and improve your immune system.
Awaken The Divine Feminine Within You
Society teaches us to do-have-be, which is a masculine approach. The powerful paradigm shift of embracing your feminine allows you to follow the be-do-have model. This lends to stepping into your own power and embodying what you wish to attract.
Reprogram Your Mind & Change Your Life
As we keep thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living the same experiences that produce the same emotions, we're creating the same reality. To change the mind, we have to make the brain work in new sequences, patterns, and combinations.
Ingredients For A Successful Relationship
You waited patiently to meet your person. You're now in a relationship; how do you ensure the success of your relationship? Grab your apron because this week, I'm cooking up a successful relationship with these key ingredients: Trust, Communication, Passion & Compatibility, Respect, Healthy Conflict Resolution, Sense of Humor, Team mentality